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I'm writing this piece to acknowledge that the Nintendo Switch and the games on it are fun and amazing, but as a wise man once said; "no one ever has enough time". It's hard for me to speak for everybody else, but I can speak from my own personal experience about how much time I've spent playing different games on the Switch. This list contains fifteen of my favorite Nintendo Switch games (in no particular order), though there's plenty more to choose from. I'm always trying to add more games, and sometimes I'll add less than fifteen, but this is the list that I'm currently working on. I haven't made any grandfathered changes to this page, so these fifteen things will stay here forever, unless of course they get removed for some reason. I just want to say that if you're reading this and thinking of purchasing a Nintendo Switch, then you've made the right choice. The only thing Nintendo needs to do is keep making new and interesting games for it. With the right management and management of third party devs, we can keep making great games and keep playing them for a long time. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this article. Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions for this page! Good luck with your Switch purchases!

For those of you interested in my review of the Nintendo eShop, my review is found here:

https://www.nintendoplaystationblog. com/i-finally-touch-nintendo-switch/

https://gbatemp. net/threads/nintendo-switch-english-translation-for-the-ps2classicui.513242/



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